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Education & Engagement

Michigan State University has several of the top education programs in the United States. This distinction, along with an emerging research profile, makes MSU a global leader in the fields of education.

This list represents a portion of MSU's work in this thematic area. Please contact Global IDEAS for potential opportunities to partner with MSU and further information on MSU expertise in international education and engagement.

College of Education

MSU's graduate study programs in both elementary and secondary education have been ranked number one in the nation for 22 consecutive years, according to US News and World Report. Additionally, MSU's graduate programs for rehabilitation counseling, higher education administration, curriculum and instruction, educational psychology, and administration/supervision have been ranked in the top 10. MSU's education programs draws from a pool of students from across the country and around the world.

Office of International Studies in Education

Housed in the College of Education, the Office of International Studies in Education (OISE) works to promote understanding of K-12 and post-secondary institutions, policies, practices, and cultures in diverse educational contexts around the globe. OISE fulfills its mission by supporting students, faculty, and visiting international scholars by supporting cross-cutting collaboration and international experiences and identifying potential research funding and partners for internationally-focused programs.

CREATE for STEM Institute

MSU's CREATE for STEM Institute, a joint initiative between the College of Education and College of Natural Science, is focused on improving teaching and learning in the STEM disciplines for students at both the K-12 and college levels through research and development efforts. CREATE for STEM enables collaborative research with external partners on various facets of STEM education.

Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development Program

Michigan State University has extensive experience in managing international researcher training and fellowship training programs, including serving as the current management entity for the Borlaug Higher Education for Agricultural Research and Development (BHEARD) Program, funded by USAID, in partnership with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). The BHEARD Program supports the advanced training of agricultural researchers from Feed the Future countries and linkages between the scientific and higher education communities in the countries and the United States. Facilitated by the BHEARD management team at MSU, BHEARD Scholars have been able to attend institutions across the United States, including many who have studied at MSU.

USAID Initiative for Long-term Training and Capacity Building

The USAID Initiative for Long-term Training and Capacity Building (UILTCB) is a pilot training project funded by USAID to develop and test innovative and cost-effective approaches to long-term degree training involving U.S. universities. The project is administered by MSU in collaboration with the USAID Economic Growth Agriculture and Trade and Office of Agriculture and USAID/Malawi. Through UILTCB, MSU has implemented training and capacity-building pilot initiatives in Ghana, Zambia, and Malawi focused in the area of agribusiness development. The goal is to build capacity of host country public and private institutions to contribute to agricultural and natural resource development by providing graduate degrees and short-term training opportunities.

Office of Education Abroad

By supporting over 275 study abroad programs to over 60 countries, Michigan State University is a leader in facilitating education abroad. Each year, close to 3,000 MSU students are transformed by their educational experiences outside of the United States and are not only found in classrooms, but also in research labs, field stations, and internships sites throughout the world.