Global IDEAS provides MSU faculty with a wide array of services including identification of funding opportunities, and comprehensive proposal coordination.
Global IDEAS prioritizes projects that focus on MSU's international/global research priorities (Agriculture & Food; Environment, Energy, & Water; Health & Nutrition; and Education & Engagement) and has the potential to generate significant external funding. We primarily work with large, multi-disciplinary proposals and cross-college teams.
We also serve as a resource to answer questions and address issues related to smaller international proposals.
Global IDEAS keeps abreast of funding trends and donor news, and curates hundreds of opportunities each week. Our weekly funding opportunities update includes market intelligence with the most promising new opportunities, organized around MSU's four international research themes.
Global IDEAS hosts regular faculty networking and team building events around thematic research areas or geographical areas. We also have broad knowledge of faculty research topics from across campus.
If you are looking to build a team or find collaborators for a project, we can help. We can also connect you with partners outside of MSU.
Global IDEAS can coordinate with MSU's Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and route MSU Proposal Documents (formerly eTransmittals) necessary for proposals to be submitted.
All of the services we provide are subject to Global IDEAS staff availability.
Global IDEAS can assist with proposal coordination, decisions to bid, reviewing and editing proposals, and packaging and submission of proposals.
Global IDEAS is able to offer its services based on the amount of lead time we receive before a proposal is due; with more lead time, we are able to offer more assistance. Please contact us as soon as your team decides it may want support from Global IDEAS. We cannot guarantee we will be able to provide services to proposals with impending deadlines.